Below are some of our current software products available.

UK Weather Check is a free to use website providing weather forecasts and observations for the UK.
Animations of the user selected forecast or observation is overlaid onto a Google Map. The animations can be paused, restarted and moved one frame at a time.
The weather forecasts available are rainfall, cloud, temperature and atmospheric pressure.

For evaluation a trial version of this app is available for download which is limited to displaying the simulated radio navigation aid instrument for 90 seconds only before returning to the main selection screen. Ads are also shown on the selection screen. The full version does not have ads or the timeout.

You start the game as a robot starting low down on the landscape. With a limited energy supply you can materalise new robots onto the landscape and then transfer control to them. Using blocks you can gain height for the new robots and with each transfer you can get higher up. Remember to absorb the old robots, blocks and even tree gain energy.
The Sentinel will not make your task easy. He slowly rotates looking for energy to absorb. Once he spots you, his gaze will lock on and he will start draining energy from you. You must quickly transfer control to another robot or try a risky hyperspace to a random new position.

View the magnetic field strength on the green scrolling trace to detect metal objects. The larger the metal object the stronger the magnetic field and the green trace will move lower down the screen. You will also hear a change in pitch sound, the higher the pitch the larger the metal object.

Simply hold the phone at eye level and align the cross hair on the ground at the point you want to measure. The phone will display a continuously updated horizontal distance from the camera to the point under the cross hair.

Full 3D physics is modelled including the basketball hoop deflecting when hit with a ball.
1. Touch the ball rack to grab a ball
2. Touch the top half of the screen to jump
3. Whilst jumping swipe up to throw the ball. Swipe direction and speed control where the ball will be thrown.
4. After the rack of balls is empty the player will run to the next rack automatically.
5. Game end after all 25 balls have been thrown or the 90 second timer expires.


You will visit the coral reefs and also the Atlantic Ocean during your adventure of 20 playable levels.
This Lite version is fully playable for the first 6 levels only. Buy the full version to play the full 20 levels.

The aim of the game is to get the golden wrapped present into Santa’s sleigh to complete the level. To do this, throw the wrapped present with blue ribbons, near the workshop, into the air so it collides with, pushes, nudges etc the other objects.
The first 10 levels are available to be unlocked one at a time as you complete each level. Keep checking for updates for more levels in the near future.

Choose your difficulty level which will determine the amount of shuffling of the tiles before you start to solve the puzzle. You can also choose the picture you want from the current choice of 15 various pictures each one offering a different level of challenge and difficulty. More pictures will be added with future updates.

No previous music skills are required! Follow the marker bars descending the screen and tap the corresponding piano key as the marker bars hit the green glowing line. Perfect timing is required to obtain the highest score. The more accurate you are in hitting the correct piano key at the right time, the higher the score.
At the end of the round you will be shown a summary of your music playing ability along with a rank.

NOTAM Check is a powerful Windows based NOTAM software, which checks and plots Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) on to a map of the UK and France. It is intended for use as part of flight planning.
It is used by thousands of pilots from varying fields such as Private Pilots, Commercial Pilots, Flying Schools, Examiners, Television/Film companies and British Government Agencies.
NOTAM Check uses proprietary algorithms to analyse English descriptive text of aviation warnings and hazards and plot those on to a map.
Horizons Aviation has also licensed the source code for use in a separate military product.